Project Name





As MLB moves to a fully digital ticketing experience (no more paper tickets), the need for the Ballpark app to be as adaptive, seamless, and relevant as other leading venue apps escalates. The previous version of Ballpark did not offer a contextual experience that takes the app - and the fan - beyond entry to the game.



With the overall goal of raising the number of identified fans in attendance, as well as raising the amount of people using the app and time spent within the app, the immediate goal at hand is to refine Major League Baseball’s ticketing app (Ballpark app) to contextually adapt to fans, and create a better venue experience before, during, and after a game.



Initial Steps:
To begin, we needed to map out all of the possible states that would lead to different homescreen views for a fan. Does the fan have tickets? Is the fan a season ticket holder? Is the fan near the stadium? Does the fan have a selected “Favorite Team”? Is the fan checked into the stadium?  - so on and so forth. Once we had the flow white-boarded, we then proceeded on to the “Check In” process

Very preliminary wire-frames were done to explore what might live on the new “Contextual Homescreen”.

Medium Fidelity & User Testing:
Once the designs became more fleshed out, it was now time to test them on users. One of our biggest challenges was figuring out how to deal with a fan’s Check In, as we now enable it automatically based on location but also allow for manual check in. How does the user know what comes next? I created rapid prototypes to launch with multiple user groups ( to gauge whether the concept was intuitive and appealing to the masses. Multiple rounds of user testing and design revisions lead us to better clarity on the direction we were headed.

With a shortened timeline, the biggest challenge was building the designs for production by the goal of Opening Day. As a compromise, Product and Engineering created an MVP that was ready by the start of the season. As such, the envisioned “Contextual Homescreen” is now evolving throughout the season, slowly working towards the more engaging, helpful, and relevant experience that we had hoped for; with every release the app improves.



7 months, ongoing



UX Designer, UI Designer, Researcher



Mobile app

Growth Opportunities


Alongside the continuous release of features on the new “Contextual homescreen”, product and engineering are working to build back-end tools that allow the teams to help drive the content even further. While features like location and ticketing are app driven, teams will be able to control other relevant content such as mobile food ordering, fan loyalty, team promotions, and stadium specific features. There are endless possibilities in enhancing a fan’s venue experience and my team hopes to perfect the journey from end to end.



Design Process

White-boarding use cases and user journey

White-boarding use cases and user journey

Homescreen wire-frames

Homescreen wire-frames

White-boarding “Check In”

White-boarding “Check In”

Ballpark app: Check In prototype

Initial Version 1.1 of Contextual Home Screen

Initial Version 1.2 of Contextual Home Screen

Initial Version 1.3 of Contextual Home Screen

Before and after the release of the Contextual Home screen. New fan; no set home team, and no tickets

Before and after the release of the Contextual Home screen. Existing fan; set home team, with tickets

Ballpark User Journey Map

This user journey map is a diagram that visually illustrates the fan’s experience around attending a baseball game and using the Ballpark app. This journey starts with consideration of going to a game - including ticket discovery and purchase - and continues through attending a game, to departure from said game. The journey map shows points of interaction, and emotional trigger points (both bad and good). The purpose of a user journey map is to better understand the pain points and needs of the fans, and to increase their moments of delight.

Ballpark User Journey Map (under NDA)

Ballpark User Journey Map (under NDA)